Doll Room
Doll Room


As a parent cooperative, The Oaks is run by the parents of the children enrolled in the preschool with close supervision from the Director, Theresa Embry, and the Assistant Director, Andrea Uzupis. The extensive parent participation allows The Oaks to provide the highest quality preschool education for young children. Most importantly, parents learn invaluable information about the growth and development of their children.
The parents at The Oaks are responsible for most aspects of the daily operations of the preschool. With support, the parents design the many daily activities for the children, supervise the children’s play, clean The Oaks at the end of each day, maintain The Oaks facility, and help with the yearly fund raising to supplement the low monthly tuition. Each parent contributes equally to help The Oaks be an engaging setting for their children to grow and flourish.